Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Honor The Treaties

      " The last chapter in any successful genocide is the one in which the oppressor can remove their hands and say :“My god, what are these people doing to themselves. They’re killing each other.They’re killing themselves.”
While we watch them die. "
Here is only an extract of the video, I invite you to watch it completely at : http://vimeo.com/47043218

    Last year, our class have worked on the Native Americans and then made an exhibition about it. As our english teacher was very disconcert by the Natives' situation nowadays she told us about the project : Honor The Treaties( will be now reffered as HTT) and showed us the very engaging ted talk of Aaron Huey of which you can find the link below. Then we decided to make an art project but our teacher went ill and as we were exceptional pupils we continued without her whenever we could find an hour to present it to our school. This project was really cool and interesting all the more as it brang the class even more closer.

    Aaron Huey, a photographer, visited the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota to take some photographs, what he saw changed his life. Then, in 2010, he gave a speech to talk about their poverty ,hard conditions, and non respected treaties:for the voices of Native Americans to be heard at last. He also decided to make a video. The extract you're going to see reflects all this injustices. To raise awereness about Pine Ridge, Huey teamed up with artists Shepard Fairey and Ernesto Yerena to create a poster campaign based on his photos.

Links :

We really had a great a great time during the exhibition :

A piece of art by my best friend


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