Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Honor The Treaties

      " The last chapter in any successful genocide is the one in which the oppressor can remove their hands and say :“My god, what are these people doing to themselves. They’re killing each other.They’re killing themselves.”
While we watch them die. "
Here is only an extract of the video, I invite you to watch it completely at : http://vimeo.com/47043218

    Last year, our class have worked on the Native Americans and then made an exhibition about it. As our english teacher was very disconcert by the Natives' situation nowadays she told us about the project : Honor The Treaties( will be now reffered as HTT) and showed us the very engaging ted talk of Aaron Huey of which you can find the link below. Then we decided to make an art project but our teacher went ill and as we were exceptional pupils we continued without her whenever we could find an hour to present it to our school. This project was really cool and interesting all the more as it brang the class even more closer.

    Aaron Huey, a photographer, visited the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota to take some photographs, what he saw changed his life. Then, in 2010, he gave a speech to talk about their poverty ,hard conditions, and non respected treaties:for the voices of Native Americans to be heard at last. He also decided to make a video. The extract you're going to see reflects all this injustices. To raise awereness about Pine Ridge, Huey teamed up with artists Shepard Fairey and Ernesto Yerena to create a poster campaign based on his photos.

Links :

We really had a great a great time during the exhibition :

A piece of art by my best friend


Thursday, November 6, 2014

Never Be

Only a simple glance
Was worth a thousand words
To set my heart, set for a romance
That no one was supposed to have heard

Realizing how it feels to find a lover
And meeting as day meets night,
As summer meets winter,
As dark meets light ...

Something tells me I'm going to love you forever but ,

Our love can never be
They want to tear us apart ever and ever
No matter how deep it will be
Yes we both know we are starcrossed lovers

Separated by two opposite worlds
One from heaven and the other from hell
All around us our love starts to make them whirl'd
As soon as they learned the secret no one was supposed to tell

Blaming us for every word pronounced
And for tasting the forbidden fruit
But as children we didn't want to renounce
Not to follow their route

It didn't stop me to love you forever but,

Our love can never be
They want to tear us apart ever and ever
No matter how deep it will be
Yes we both know we are starcrossed lovers

Every second without you
Is like an eternity apart
I can't believe their decision's true
All I'm left with is this broken heart

Hoping someday I'll see your smile again

Knowing that I am here and you are there
I don't know if I can take all this pain
As if they had left me with no air

I can't believe this is over but,

Our love can never be
They want to tear us apart ever and ever

No matter how deep it will be

Yes we both know we are starcrossed lovers     

     Here it is , another piece of art by me haha. This is a poem I've made 3 months ago for a literature presentation at the end of secondary school. As you have probably noticed it is written like a song because actually I made my own version of it with my guitar ! Maybe I'm going to register it someday so that you could hear it ^^. The main theme of this sad poem is starcrossed lovers, I was inspired by lovers such as Romeo and Juliet or more recently Ennis and Jack from Brokeback Mountain ( LOVE this movie ). A little lesson on star crossed lovers :

Star crossed lovers are two people, often teenagers or young adults, loving each other but due to fate they can't be together no matter how hard they struggle. It originally means that the stars are working against the relationship. In this topic I'm going to talk about the different causes that tear the lovers apart from one another :

  • Love between two people from different groups, cultures, races etc... when others around them do not approve this love.
  • Being in love with someone from a different social class, it was more common in the past.
  • A love disapproved by society or government : for example homosexuality or a large age difference.
  • Some lovers can only be together in death.